Mods / Chat Translator

Category: #Tweak #Utility
Author: Nyuhnyash
Side: Client
Created: Oct 22nd 2023 at 4:25 PM
Last modified: Nov 27th at 5:45 PM
Downloads: 1598
Follow Unfollow 28

Latest file for v1.20.0-rc.1: 1-click install


Mod translates incoming chat messages by default.

You can send translated version of your message using chat command.


.t (.translate) <message> - Translate your text into the target language and send it to the chat.

.ct (.chattranslator; .translator):

    .ct toggle - Switch incoming messages translator on and off.

    .ct lang list - List supported languages.

    .ct lang <lang type> [lang code] - View or edit your language preferences.

        .ct lang own [lang code] - Change the language in which you prefer to read and write your message if it differs from your game locale.

        .ct lang source [lang code] - Change the language you expext most of the chat uses. Default is 'auto'. By changing you can improve translation quality bypassing the detection stage, but now translator could fail to translate from other languages.

        .ct lang target [lang code] - Your messages in .t command will be translate to the target language. Most of the time matches with source language, but cannot be 'auto'. Default is English.


.ct lang own - See your language.

.ct lang target zh-cn and .t Hello - Translate your message to Chinese (Simplified) and send it to the chat.

.ct lang source pl - Trying to translate all chat messages from Polish to your own language.


Future ideas:

  • Server-side version.
  • Support for other translation services/engines.
  • Non-standard languages support, e.g. pirate speak. (proposed by RoadKill)
  • In-game sign translation (separate mod?)

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.1.0 198 Nov 27th at 5:44 PM Show Install now
v1.0.0 945 Oct 22nd 2023 at 8:36 PM Show Install now
v1.0.0-dev.0 452 Mar 26th at 10:12 AM Show Install now

10 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Eluce, 4 days ago

Would you be able to make a setting to hide the original untranslated messages, while keeping the translated messages? This will help de-clutter a busy chat.

💬 NyuhnyashAuthor, Nov 27th at 5:47 PM

0zymandias surio

Should be fixed now.

💬 surio, Nov 26th at 12:31 PM

I second 0zymandias experience. Most of us players have a game breaking level of lag spike on the server whenever anyone else uses chat

Something needs optimising in the code

💬 0zymandias, Oct 22nd at 10:55 PM

Mod is adding lag spikes every time it triggers when used on a large server and constantly translating russian, spanish, and portugese.

💬 Kara, Mar 27th at 9:53 AM

Nyuhnyash Thanks a bunch for this. <333 ^v^

💬 NyuhnyashAuthor, Mar 26th at 10:18 AM

Kara, sounds more like feature request to Tyron. Done, though.

💬 Kara, Mar 19th at 8:38 PM

would you be able to make a version of this, so it auto downloads into servers? love this mod btw~ <3 (i realize its just a line change in a file, but im not sure if my applying it on server would have everyone download it >.<)

💬 DearFox, Dec 24th 2023 at 5:42 PM

What does this mod use for translation?
 I mean, does it use some kind of online API to translate the text?


And, judging by the fact that the mod contains GoogleTranslateFreeApi.dll, it obviously uses Google Translate to convert text.
 I think it would be nice to write about this in mod information here on the site.

💬 NyuhnyashAuthor, Nov 13th 2023 at 10:10 PM

BoolyStudy, wdym Linux hosting? The mod is client-side, installation as simple as: download archive -> drag it to "mods" folder.

💬 BoolyStudy, Nov 12th 2023 at 1:34 PM

This mod does not work on Linux hosting, there is also no installation wiki

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